Name of Game: Farm Heroes Saga (FHS)
Version: 2.7.11
Root Needed?: NO
Name of cheat:
1. Unlimited Lives
2. Unlimited Gold
3. 15 Moves more than Original
4. Unlimited basic boosters (Shovel, Tractor, +1, Dog) (Regeneration time – 1 sec)
5. Other boosters (like Egg Cracker, 5 Extra moves, Super Fruit, Turbo Tractor, Amelia’s Airdrop) - Buy with Gold
6. Roadblocks - Unlock with Gold.
Unpack, copy to SDCard, install with your file manager
From MiloShare | MediaFire | Dropbox
:::How To Download:::
Download ဆိုသည္ကို မႏွိပ္မွီ.. ျမန္မာ ေၾကာ္ျငာေလးမ်ားကို Open In New Tap ကလစ္ျပီးသြားေရာက္ ဖတ္ၾကည့္ေပးပါဦးေနာ.. ျပီးလွ်င္ ပိတ္ျပစ္ျပီး MiloShare ကို ႏွိပ္ျပီး တန္းေဒါင္းႏိုင္ပါျပီ.. | ႏွင္႔ အျခား Redirect မ်ား ခံမထားပါ။ Resume ေကာင္းေကာင္းျဖင္႔ လြယ္ကူစြာေဒါင္းႏိုင္သည္။