Windows XP Professional SP3 Black Edition (Eng/x86/May 2014) | With Key 692 Mb

 Windows Xp ကိုေတာင္ထားတယ္ အကိုသံုးေယာက္ရွိလိုwindows   XP Professional SP3 x86 -   black     edition   2014.5.24 ျဖစ္တယ္ Update ေလးတင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။ ဖိုင္းေတာ့နည္းနည္းၾကီး
တယ္ဗ်ာ။ လိုင္ေကာင္မွာ D လုပ္တာေကာင္းပါတယ္ဗ်ာ။ေတာင္းတယ္အကိုေတြေနာက္ျပီး အကိုအမေတြ

windows   XP Professional SP3 x86 -   black     edition   2014.5.24
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1. Includes all the latest Official and POSReady 2009   windows   XP Updates until 13.5.2014 including   windows   Media Player 11, Internet Explorer 8, .NET Framework 1.1-4.0 and over 300 MB of additional SATA/AHCI, LAN, WLAN and CPU drivers (With Recovery Console and Repair option) and with some optional Programs and much more.
2. Will receive   windows   XP Updates until April 2019 and passes all Validation Checks no   windows   XP Activation or Crack or CD-Key needed, A valid WGA CD-Key and all the other user required inputs are filled in automatically during the   windows   XP installation (Unattended Installation).
3. Runs a little faster than a regular   windows   XP because all   windows   XP Updates are slipstreamed and because a few outdated things have been removed. (Nothing was removed that could cause System or Software problems).
4. Contains a text file with a lots of useful informations, such as on How to install   windows   XP new and on How to install   windows   XP with a USB Flash Drive and on How to integrate your own computer drivers and much more.
5. System Requirements are (Recommended/Minimum): 1200/400 MegaHertz x86 Processor, 512/128 MegaBytes of RAM, 1024×768/800x600 Video Adapter, 10/4 GigaByte of available Hard Disk space.


windows   XP Updates:

windows   XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
All Official and POSReady 2009   windows   XP (QFE/LDR) Updates until 13.5.2014.
windows   Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (Cracked).
windows   Internet Explorer 8 (Up-to-Date).
windows   Media Player 11 (Up-to-Date).
windows   Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 (Up-to-Date).
windows   Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013).
windows   Installer v4.5 (KB942288).
windows   XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
windows   XP Root Certificates Update Version March  2014  (KB931125).
windows   XP CAPICOM v2.1.0.2 (KB931906).
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 SP3 4.30.2114.0 (KB973685).
Microsoft Compression Client Pack v1.0 (KB927374).
Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control v7.4.7057.249.
Microsoft Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
Microsoft   windows   Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
Microsoft   windows   Browser Choice (KB976002 v5).

windows   XP Runtime Libraries Updates:

Microsoft .NET Framework (Up-to-Date) 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, 4.0 Full - {Optional}.
Microsoft DirectX 9.0c v9.29.1974.
Microsoft Visual C-family (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11 v12.
Microsoft Visual Basic (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7.

Additional Runtime Libraries:

Flash Player ActiveX v13.0.0.214.
lash Player Plugin v13.0.0.214.
Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v7 Update 55 - {Optional}.

windows   XP Applications:

windows   XP Powertoy - ClearType Tuner v1.01 - {Optional}.
windows   XP Powertoy - Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0 - {Optional}.
indows   XP User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v1.6g - {Optional}.
Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
windows   XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
windows   XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0.

Additional Applications:

7-Zip v9.20 - {Optional}.
Mozilla Firefox v29.0.1 - {Optional}.
Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.2.1 - {Optional}.
HashCheck Shell Extension v2.1.11 - {Optional}.
SumatraPDF v2.5.2 - {Optional}.
Unlocker v1.9.2 - {Optional}.
WinCDEmu v3.6 - {Optional}.
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v10.5.0 - {Optional}.


DriverPacks BASE v11.09.01.2e with the Driver Packs: MassStorage v14.05.17.6 (SATA/AHCI), LAN v14.05.19.1, WLAN v14.05.04.1, CPU v10.05 - Compressed = 50 MB / Uncompressed = +300 MB - {Removable}.
windows   7 Common Printer Drivers Update Pack and XPS Printer Addon v1.2.3.
7 Additional   windows   XP Themes - {Optional}: "Windows XP Embedded", "Black Mesa v2.0", "ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0", "Disney - It's a Magical World v1.0", "Luna Element   black   v5.1 + CSS", "Royale Remixed v1.47", "Windows 7 Colors v1.0".
Text file with a few valid WGA CD-Keys [In folder "*.isoOEMWXPPx86BE"].
windows   NT Registration Changer v1.0 [In folder "*.isoOEMWXPPx86BE"].
windows   XP CD-Key Changer v1.1 [In folder "*.isoOEMWXPPx86BE"].

windows   XP Patches:

Extended Update Support Patch v1.0: Will extend the   windows   XP update support from "April 2014" to "April 2019" (POSReady 2009 Updates).
dotNET 4 NGEN Patch v3.1: Fixes a Microsoft .NET Framework 4 bug that causes a slow   windows   XP boot up.
TCP/IP Patch v1.0: Allows you to have 16777215 (Maximum) Half-Open TCP Connections instead of only 10.
Uxtheme Patch v1.0: Allows you to use un-signed Custom Visual Styles (Themes).
RAID-5 Patch v1.0: Enables Software RAID-5 Support.
NTDETECT Patch v1.1: Fixes a Pre-Boot BSOD error with older computers when installing   windows   XP with a USB Flash Drive.

windows   XP Tweaks:

Pre-Configured   windows   XP and Program Settings - {Optional}.
Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install   windows   Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install   windows   Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.12.10200.0 (KB890830).
Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install   windows   XP End Of Service Notifications (KB2934207).


Nothing was removed that could cause System or Software problems.
1. Applications: "Address Book".
2. Multimedia: "Images and Backgrounds", "Movie Maker", "Music Samples", "Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder".
3. Network: "MSN Explorer", "Netmeeting", "Outlook Express", "Windows Messenger".
4. Operating System Options: "Blaster/Nachi removal tool", "Desktop Cleanup Wizard", "Out of Box Experience (OOBE)", "Tour", "Zip Folders".
5. 3rd-party Drivers: "Display Adapters", "ISDN", "Logitech WingMan", "Microsoft SideWinder", "Printers", "Scanners", "Serial Pen Tablet", "Sony Jog Dial", "Toshiba DVD decoder card".
6. Disc Files: "clock.avi", "swtchbrd.bmp", "yahoo.bmp".
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