Hotspot Shield VPN v3.37 Elite Edition With Patch

Hotspot Shield ကသူငယ္ခ်င္းတို့ရဲ့ကြန္ျပဳတာထဲကအခ်က္အလက္ေတြကို Wi-Fi access points ကိုခ်ိတ္ထားတဲ့အခ်ိန္မွာ လံုျခံုမွုရွိေအာင္ ယုံၾကည္စိတ္ခ်ရတဲ့ေဆာ့လ္ဝဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္၊Traffic အဝင္၊အထြက္ကိုလည္း အလိုအေလ်ာက္ စစ္ေဆးေပးရံုသာမက Network ကိုလည္း hackers, spies ရန္ကေနကာကြယ္ေပးပါတယ္၊ဒီေဆာ့လ္ဝဲရဲ့လုပ္ေဆာင္ခ်က္အျပည့္အစံုကိုေအာက္မွာဖတ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။

Hotspot Shield creates a virtual private network (VPN) between your laptop and the wirelessrouter. This impenetrable tunnel prevents snoopers and hackers from viewing your email, instant messages, credit card information or anything else you send over a wireless network. Which means you remain anonymous and protect your privacy. Sure, public Wi-Fi hotspots are great. After all, what would life be without checking your email each morning at your favorite café? But while you’re enjoying your latte and a bagel, some hacker might be accessing your passwords, credit card numbers, sensitive company data and much more. And standard antivirus software won’t protect you. That’s why AnchorFree is pleased to offer Hotspot Shield. This free security software keeps your Internet connection secure at public hotspots, home or work. Hotspot Shield security software is free to download, employs the latest VPN technology, and is easy to install and use.

Ensure you are private, secure, and anonymous online!
• Secure your web session, data, online shopping, and personal information online with HTTPS encryption.
• Protect yourself from identity theft online.
• Hide your IP address for your privacy online.
• Access all content privately without censorship; bypass firewalls.
• Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports, corporate offices.
• Works on wireless and wired connections alike. Provides Unlimited Bandwidth.
• Works on the PC and the MAC, including new operating systems (Windows 7 and Snow Leopard)

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