Facebook သုံးစြဲသူ Android ဖုန္း /Tablet ပုိင္ရွင္ေတြအတြက္ 12 ရက္ 9 လပုိင္းမွာ ထြက္လာတဲ့
version အသစ္ေလးပါ Update မလုပ္ရေသးရင္ ေအာက္မွာရယူုနုိင္ပါတယ္
What's New
- Some stickers are now animated in messages—see Pusheen, Beast and Anooki wave, dance and wiggle! (Android 4.0.2 and higher)
- Bug fixes
New if you're using Home:
- Control the music you're listening to right from your lock screen